Step by step how to pay your registration.
All registrations and payments for the season are now done online.
EVERY player must register online before they can take the field.
If you are a Playing Life Member or Playing Coach you will be required to register online also, please contact Kylie Summerton for further details on how to register.
Volunteers, Scorers, Managers and Non Playing Coaches also need to register online – there is no cost.
Step 1 – Login
Go to and select Login
(if the link does not work for you please go to and click on ‘2016 Registrations’).
For renewing members, your username and password was emailed to you from Baseball Australia at the end of July. Alternatively, if you cannot remember your password, click on ‘Forgot Your Password’ on the Login page.
Step 2
Click ‘Registration Renewal’
Step 3
Select your renewel option.
See Notes below about the Sport Voucher Program
Step 4
Agree to the National Terms and Conditions of Membership, TERMS AND CONDITIONS, Financial Agreement, Code of Behaviour, Sun Protection Policy & then Next
Step 5
Confirm all the registration details & click Next
Step 6
Confirm the amount owing and then click Next
Step 7
Register any further players or click ‘Pay Now’
Step 8
Enter your Credit Card number, expiry and CVV
Step 9
Click ‘Submit Payment’ button
Step 10
Record your receipt number – A receipt will now also be emailed to your email address.
All Done!
Sports Vouchers:
If you wish to redeem a Sports Voucher for your primary school-aged child, please select the option with sports voucher. Complete the attached form and return it by either email to or by post to Kylie Summerton Treasurer- Goodwood Baseball Club PO Box 27 DAW PARK SA 5041
Please note that you need to provide the following information to use a Sports Voucher:
- Name, age, date of birth, address, Gender
- Information on whether the child has played sport previously
- Medicare number (or Australian Visa if no Medicare is held)
- Confirmation that the child has not previously claimed a Sports Voucher $50.00 subsidy with another provider.
Completed Sports Vouchers must be provided to Kylie asap. Please note that only one subsidy can be claimed per child per calendar year. If your child has previously used a voucher for a winter sport they are unable to claim another voucher until after 31 December 2015. For further information see
If you have already paid your fees in full, still complete your voucher and provide to Kylie. A refund for the $50 will be organised.