Little League

Days to go
Registrations have now closed

Welcome back to the first sign of summer – Little League Registrations. 😊

Please note registrations close Sunday 8th September 2024.

Please forward this on to your friends “the more the merrier”.

The dates for the 2024-2025 season are –

  • Friday 25th October – 29th November
  • Friday 7th February – 28th February


  • Friday 5.30pm – 6.45pm.


$80 per child and we also have our family discount where the second child is $75 and the third is $70. NO PRICE INCREASES 😊


Groups work off the year the child was born.

  • 2021 – Yellow Group
    Children in this group must be supervised by a parent/carer at all times. All equipment is supplied.
  • 2020 – Red Group and 2019 – Blue Group – Station to Station Area
    Children move through a series of stations aimed to develop their skills. All equipment is supplied.
  • 2018  – Little Big Leagues
    Children are grouped into teams after registrations have closed. Each week they do two skills session and then play a game. Please note they must bring their own glove and water bottle every week.
  • 2017 – Rookie Ball
    Children are grouped into teams after registrations have closed. Each week they have a pre game warm up and then play games. Please note they must bring their own glove and water bottle every week.

If your child was born in 2017 and 2018 it is very important that they bring their own glove and water bottle every week. Last year we had children forget to bring their glove – this is both a safety requirement and also a participation requirement.

For those that need to buy a glove they can be purchased at most sports stores or visit Greatrex Sports Store 630 Port Road Beverley they carry the largest range of gloves in SA.

Important Parent Information

Please make sure you fill in your date for volunteering correctly and remember that date.

If there are any issues with being able to volunteer please contact me.

We need your help to keep our program running smoothly and all you need to do is help us for one night for the season.


If you want to help in a coaching role please contact Scott Pratt – you don’t need any baseball knowledge we can teach you that.

The main reason our program works so well is due to the number of coaches we have.

Your help in any way will make your child’s experience a better one.


Please note that your registration will only be secure when your payment has been made.

Registration closes on Sunday 8th September 2024.

If you have any questions please contact:

Scott Pratt
Junior Baseball Director
0402 024 70

Days to go
Registrations have now closed

Little League Major Sponsor

Little League Station Sponsors

Little League Rookie Ball Sponsor

Little League Team Sponsors

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